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Karen’s Clix Photography came about quite by accident back in 2011. Being the mom of two beautiful children, a wife, and teacher, free time was something that I did not have. I have always enjoyed taking photographs, especially once my children were born. I wanted to capture every aspect of their lives, and was constantly making appointments to take them to have their pictures taken. This was every month during their first year of life, and seasonally after that. Although we loved the photographer we used, the studio’s props and backdrops were very limited.


I was always “setting the stage” with my own props and picture themes. It became very tiresome lugging things back and forth, to and from the photo studio. Not to mention waiting our turn with two impatient little ones, which at holiday time was TORTURE! Finally, you are done taking the pictures. Now, you wait to pick your pictures in a cramped area with the next customer breathing down your neck waiting for you to finish. Feeling rushed and frustrated, I would get home to look at the pictures better, only to see that I would have been happier if I picked a different picture from the session. I always enjoyed using the images to send to family and friends, to make cards out of, and to print extra copies if needed. Of course you need the high-resolution images to do this, otherwise, your images are blurry and grainy. To purchase the high resolution images, in addition to ordering my prints, left my bank account drained….not to mention my husband unhappy!   :(   I decided that since I already had a great camera, with the right set-up as far as space and lighting, that I could save ourselves some time and money and do the pictures myself. Researching where to get the most affordable backdrops, I decided to do my children’s Christmas pictures for the first time in December of 2011.

I already look back on those Christmas pictures and see the flaws in them as a result of my current knowledge of photography, however, the result was an image that I was content with at that time. Karen’s Clix became a work in progress when enough people finally got it into my head that I should give this a shot. One by one, friends started asking me to do their children’s pictures, and each photo shoot improved by leaps and bounds, and is still continuing to improve today. With every photo class, workshop, and picture experience, my knowledge grows allowing me to create beautiful pictures that I can cherish not only for my children, but for others as well.


I am so grateful for the opportunity to be creative and share this little hidden talent that popped up quite unexpectedly. I hope you enjoy looking at the photo galleries and blog that I have posted. I would love to hear any questions or comments that you may have. Thanks for visiting!

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